Dolly Sods–South

In May 2020, we completed the 20-mile Northern Loop of Dolly Sods. We returned on July 3 to hike the southern Dolly Sods Loop, as described here, including all the detours to waterfalls, and the Lions Head rock formation.

*** See Greg’s Video of the Hike Here ***

Most of the hike was fantastic, especially the Red Creek Trail, waterfalls, and Lions Head, with just one negative: the muddy, claustrophobic Dunkenbarger Trail.

Where we would complete our loop for the day.

Red Creek.

We saw a couple of gorgeous waterfalls today. This one, about 2.5 miles into the hike, required a steep but short class 3 scramble downhill from the main trail.

Greg Loving It.
First Red Creek Crossing.

One of many, many nice camping spots.

Other than the waterfalls, “Lions Head” was the main highlight of the day. We detoured off the Rocky Point Trail to take one of the harder routes to the top…

Hunter Dog Climbing.

Worth it for the view.

…And we took the easier, longer path down, first passing through the pine plantation hilltop camping area:

Crossing Little Stonecoal Creek.

Finally, the second major crossing of Red Creek, to complete our loop:

And back on the Red Creek Trail…

Final Stretch.